BC BuzZ: British Columbia's Mixed Martial Arts

BC BuzZ got to step into the Quest for glory FC cage with Canadian MMA & Muay Thai Champion Paul "The Mauler" Lazenby to discover the growing sport of Mixed Martial Arts in the world and right here in our backyard of British Columbia.

BC BuzZ wants to stress that we are not biased towards any martial arts school, organization or fighter, what we are is all about celebrating the sport of mixed martial arts in our great province. For all the schools, fight organizations and martial artists we bid you only the best for years to come and hope the sport grows bigger and better each year.

Support Your Local Mixed Martial Arts!

BC BuzZ is a magazine-style interview show that celebrates all things British Columbian. Art, artists, entertainment, events, movies, music and more, this series of videos gets up close and personal to showcase the best of arts and entertainment in our great province. It’s served up on Vancouver Is Awesome every week or so and aims to support local communities.
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