JASON KELLER of Team Bad Boy Outreach is a rock in the Fitness and Martial Arts Community and now he needs the community's help. For anyone who doesn't know, Jason had a serious accident this past weekend and is currently in a coma.
BCMMAA and QUEST for GLORY FC wish Jason a speedy recovery and our thoughts are with his family, we would now like to reach out to all members of the Fitness and MMA Community and ask you to donate to 'The Jason Keller Recovery Fund.'
Funds collected will go towards helping pay for recovery treatment, covering bills and any other expenses that will inevitably come up.
Now is the time for every organization, school and athlete to give what they can and support a fellow fighter and athlete in need.
Sammy Piccolo, Quest for Glory FC President says, "Even though I haven't met Jason and he hasn't fought for my organization I still felt that we needed to support him though this ordeal because he is one of our own. Any fighter or martial artist should always be able to turn to his community for support."
If you would like to donate, any amount will help. Thank you for your generosity.
For donations made by Credit Card, click the Pay-Pal button below. Checks or cash donations can be sent to 13534 King George Blvd, Surrey BC, V2T 3T9, Att: Jimie Griffiths
BCMMAA, Team Bad Boy Outreach and QFGFC are currently organizing a fundraiser. If you would like to help out or volunteer for this please contact Ben Mehdi on 604.701.2262
More details coming soon.
Even if you cannot financially support this cause please show your support by leaving your well wishes for Jason below this post. Believe in the power of prayer and keep Jason and his family in yours.
Thank you for your Support!!